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Four Color Politics

Mainly the Quotes of the Morning, with occasional Other Crap.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Quotes of the Morning: Its a Wonderful Economy

“This economy of ours is steady and strong. It's steady and strong. It's steady and strong, which means people are going back to work.”
-George ‘Dubya’ Bush, Washington, D.C., Jul. 2, 2004

“The really rich people figure out how to dodge taxes anyway.”
-George ‘Dubya’ Bush, Annandale, Virginia, Aug. 9, 2004

“Investment means you're purchasing something, and somebody has to make that which you purchase and sell that which you purchase. And that's how the economy works.”
-George ‘Dubya’ Bush, Aug. 18, 2004

“We had some CEOs that weren't honest with their shareholders and their employees. And we passed tough laws that said, we're not going to tolerate dishonesty in the boardrooms of America. You're now beginning to see on your TV screens what we're talking about. People are being held to account. And that hurt our economy.”
-George ‘Dubya’ Bush, Ardmore, Pennsylvania, Mar. 15, 2004

“The march to war affected the people's confidence. It's hard to make investment. See, if you're a small business owner or a large business owner and you're thinking about investing, you've got to be optimistic when you invest. Except when you're marching to war, it's not a very optimistic thought, is it? In other words, it's the opposite of optimistic when you're thinking you're going to war. War is not conducive to -- for investment.”
-George ‘Dubya’ Bush, Missouri, Feb. 9, 2004

“The White House is telling federal agencies to expect lean budgets next year, with congressional aides and lobbyists saying Bush appears ready to propose freezing or even slightly cutting overall domestic spending. Targeted would be all annually approved programs except for defense and domestic security.
Bush's spending plan would be among the toughest for domestic programs since President Reagan's budgets of the 1980s. Overall domestic spending has grown every year but three since 1987.
Even as domestic spending growth has slowed, overall expenditures including defense and domestic security continue to climb, largely because of the costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Congress approved $87.5 billion for those wars in fall 2003 and $25 billion more last spring. Bush is expected to request another $75 billion to $100 billion early next year.
Bush also wants Congress make permanent the temporary tax cuts he won in his first term. ‘All the tax relief we passed must be made permanent,’ he said yesterday.”
-Seattle Post-Intelligencer, December 17, 2004

“A free and peaceful Iraq will save this country money in the long term. It's important to get it done now.”
-George ‘Dubya’ Bush, Sep. 10, 2003

“A national mayors’ organization released its annual report on hunger and homelessness yesterday, documenting a staggering 14 percent increase this year in the number of requests for emergency food assistance and a 6 percent rise in requests for emergency shelter. The survey, which included information from 27 US cities, also found that families with children asked for help at a substantially higher rate this year and that a large portion of those who needed help did not receive it.”
-NewStandard, December 15, 2004

"Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about. They do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath? Anyway, my father didn't think so. People were human beings to him, but to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle. Well, in my book, he died a much richer man than you'll ever be."
-George Bailey, It’s a Wonderful Life

“God bless you George Bailey.”


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